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Moral Bankruptcy and,
Inspiring Ethnical Integrity
Dive into our collection of books, Delta Maria has a track record of delivering vibrant, enjoyable and educationally enriching storytelling workshops to schools within the private and Public Sectors of Education.

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A Word From The Author
Black History Month is a remembrance of important people and events in the history of the African diaspora. It is celebrated annually in the United States of America and Canada in February and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in the month of October. In the U.S., Black History Month is also referred to as African-American History Month.
Our website contains teachers guide on a wide range of books and teaching resources that can be used to celebrate Black History Month at Key stage 1, 2 and 3, 4 and 5.
We also supplies teachers with a wide range of materials for the teaching of the Transatlantic Slave Trade.
Elmina Castle posters and plaques can be purchased online from AMAZON via this site.
Teaching resources as well as a teaching guide for the effective delivery and teaching of Britain’s modern multicultural history (at key stage 5) is also available from this site.
Stella Osammor
Stories Worth Sharing
Best Sellers
More than ever before, the celebration of cultural diversity and multilingualism has become of immense importance in children’s education today. Teachers and parents now recognise that children who have been exposed to other cultures feel so much safer in our world today. This is because such children are better able to function successfully in any cultural environment they may find themselves. Such young people are also so much more rounded and tolerant of other customs and peoples.

What Readers Are Saying
See why readers love our selection!. Hear from book lovers who’ve shopped with us.
A lot of follow up work will
come out of this for the children.”

James. L
Review on Book 1
“The storyteller’s work
with the children was delightful”.

Emily. T
“The children loved having turns on the African Drums at the end the stories”

Oliver. K
“This will help children understand the
cultures of countries outside their own”


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