Enhance Your Curriculum with Books That Educate and Inspire!

PSHE Resources and Social Education Relations Resources for children in Key Stages 1 and 2.
The Fable of the Tortoise and the Sardines is an ideal Resource for the delivery of the Curriculum objectives of Key stage 1 & 2 PHSE Studies. The fable is a cautionary tale about the dangers of taking strangers at face-value. The fable has been published in English, French and Spanish (the three crucial universal languages).
The Book can therefore be used to advance young people’s knowledge of basic French and Spanish languages in a way that is colourful and enjoyable.
There are 5 comprehension questions, posed to pupils as multiple-choice questions. These questions are presented to children in English, French and Spanish. Please see below, the first 3 questions, featured in the book, for follow on work. The correct answers to the questions appear, right at the end of the book…
Social Relationship Education Resource
This resource is an excellent resource for the teaching of Key Stage 1 and 2, Social Relationship Education (SRE)
The Tortoise however demonstrates in fable after fable that cunning when combined with greed only leads to humiliation and self-ridicule.
The fable has been published in English and French and English and Spanish, three of the world’s crucial universal languages and can be used to fulfil the curriculum requirements of Social Relationship Education and to further advance young people’s knowledge of the French and Spanish Languages, in a way that is engaging, enjoyable and colourful.
There are 18 comprehension questions, posed to pupils as multiple-choice questions at the end of the story. These questions are presented to children in English, French and Spanish. Please see below, the first 3 questions, featured in the book, for follow on work. The correct answers to the questions appear, right at the end of the book.
Sample Comprehension Questions in English
- Where were all the birds in the animal kingdom invited to?
- How many feathers did each bird give Tortoise?
- What name did the Eagle call himself?....

Orisun of the Savannah Grassland
is a contemporary tale, which gives an insight into how Africans perceive animals of the wild and their perception of the psyche of these animals. Contrary to popular opinion, Africans value the wildlife, which cohabit their plains and grasslands.
The culling programme put in place by countries, such as Kenya and Zimbabwe, is enabling Africans to evolve a happy equilibrium between themselves and the wild life around them.
Three endangered species are featured in this fable; i.e the Leopard, the Chimpanzee and the African Elephant.
In every storytelling workshop, children are made aware of the fact that Africa is a continent and has an Arid Northern part which is the geographic setting of the book: Seluwa of the Fulani people…
Transatlantic Slave Trade Educational Resource
An illustrated story which brings an individual experience from the Transatlantic Slave Trade into clear focus
As the book is intended as a teacher’s resource for teaching the Transatlantic slave trade, it would be a useful addition to any school library, since students could read it for their own interest and to expend their knowledge of the subject. Kadeja the Fulani Pearl Queen would also be a text that any school librarian could recommend to History teachers to use in teaching this subject or include in a relevant book to loan out .
The book could be read by able primary school students as well as Year 7 students upwards.”
Review by Sam Sinclair– School Library Association
- How many of Kadeja’s aunties got captured in the raid? Tick the correct box
- How many of Kadeja’s aunties died? Tick the correct box.
- Apart from the use of guns, what else did the raiders use to capture the African people? Tick the correct boxes...

Transatlantic Slave Trade Educational Resource
Ablavi the female Dahomian Warrior
Written by Stella Osammor, tells the story of seemingly ordinary young woman, thrust into the path of destiny. After the death of her mother at the hands of a brutal Slave Trader, she summons the courage to fight against her captors. Ablavi is a riveting account of the courage of a Dahomian princess, who fought alongside Dahomian women to keep the coastal waters of the Dahomey kingdom, safe and secure. The courage of these female warriors discouraged slave raiders from taking Dahomey people away to distant lands as slaves.
This publication is in French, Spanish English.
Sample Comprehension Questions in English
- The country Dahomey is now called by a new name. Is it
- Dahomey is located on
- What did the Slave Raiders do to the elderly leaders of Ablavi’s village?
Sample Comprehension Questions in Spanish
- El país Dahomey ahora tiene un nuevo nombre. ¿Cómo se llama
- Dahomey se sitúa en:
- ¿Que le hicieron los asaltantes de esclavos a los jefes ancianos del pueblo de Ablavi?…
PSHE/Citizenship Studies
Silhouettes of a Treasured Heritage
The novel uniquely and passionately explores issues from both sides of the racial divide. It challenges stereotypical perceptions; Love and hate, power and influence. It is a story of healing, of hope and of promise for a racially divided world. Miranda takes the reader through her life in Britain, Ghana and the USA. “Am I White or Black?” she asks.
Silhouettes of a Treasured Heritage is a fictional narrative, which examines the consequence of being a person of racially mixed parentage in our world today. It is a thrilling and critical appreciation of such experiences as told by Miranda the heroine, experiences that would be familiar to many people of similar background.
Here are some sample questions from the novel and find enclosed a review from FRESH RB Studios!
Silhouettes of a Treasured Heritage tells the story of Miranda, born in the spring of 1943 and her journey to embracing her identity as a person of racially mixed heritage. Her father is full Scottish and her mother, an Ashanti Princess, is three quarter Ghanaian /one quarter Portuguese. From a young age in Bedford, UK, she faced prejudice regarding her colour and African features. This devastated her young mind but with the help of her paternal grandmother in Scotland, she found comfort.
As she grows up, she meets Rory the brother of her friend Beverley at their home in Ireland. Rory, who later becomes Miranda’s husband, is an Irish man studying and living in America. Having grown up in the UK, Miranda is able to identify with her Scottish roots however it seemed the part of her belonging to Africa craved communion with it. Still fixated on the quest for her identity, she is encouraged by Rory to visit Africa as it might help fill the gaps in her mind.
Miranda travelled to Accra, Ghana to meet her mother’s relatives and family on this journey of self-discovery. She found greater acceptance amongst her mother’s people in Ghana. Her colour soon becomes a thing of insignificance as soon as they get to know the person beneath the skin. This journey uncovered rich aspects of the culture of her African heritage and leaves her with a better understanding of her Ghanaian origins…
Main Themes in the Book
- Identity
- Quest for Discovery
- Love
- Injustice
- Loss / Tragedy
- Power of Tradition

PSHE Studies and Emotional Intelligence
Excellent Resource Material, for the Teaching of Key Stages 3 and 4, PSHE Studies and Emotional Intelligence. S
“Over half a million copies of this book, has been sold worldwide! Its an excellent
teaching resource, designed to help young people on the threshold of adulthood, acquire valuable
emotional intelligence”
The Triumph of the Water Lily is a celebration of womanhood. It is a moving exploration of life and death, in which Effua, the narrator, tells a passionate story of trial and tribulation, of the triumph of love and life, even in the throes of death.
The novel attests to the nobility, elegance and profound goodness of Nkem, the central character. It is also a courageous story of romance filled with excitement, novelty and moments of shock, particularly for Effua, whose life has been inexorably influenced by Nkem’s.
Kari’s Sweet Encounter With The Bible, The Oracles Of God.
Monolingual and Bilingual Publications
Kari, a gorgeous, vibrant, ambitious career girl sets off on the trip of a lifetime only to be brought to a crashing halt by an explosion at the airport. Her life as she knows it ends, and she embarks on a different journey. Her adventures in heaven, meeting Jesus and the celestial splendour are so absorbing, you can almost feel the light in your soul.
The ethereal descriptions of the people, angels, and especially of Jesus are beautiful and entrancing. Simple yet vivid, it will draw in and inspire the reader to see heaven as the alluring and truly wondrous place that it is. The illustrations are so sparkly and radiant, the book is almost luminescent. The author’s aim of prompting readers to engage with the bible is achieved without being pushy.
I particularly enjoyed the different scenarios where various people are comforted and encouraged by scripture specific to their situation and felt both comforted and encouraged. The importance of words, particularly the word of God, is highlighted, which would hopefully stir the reader to pick up the bible, explore their faith and be open to the person of Jesus.

The Boy Samuel
Samuel – Israel’s foremost prophet
Samuel – Israel’s foremost prophet – grows up in the most unusual of places, the temple. Although a beloved son, his parents choose a different life for him and he is sent to Shiloh to live with Eli the priest as a very young child. The bright and colourful illustrations depict happiness that communicates the joy of the Lord.
The language is clear and simple, and entirely age appropriate. Where bible stories can be quite succinct, this book brings the story to life in a way that would appeal to children as they can relate to the language and everyday emotions.
The Boy with The Five Loaves and Two Fish
The much-loved story of Jesus feeding the five thousand, is narrated in a clear way that will appeal to children and in simple language they can easily understand and relate to.
Several bright and colourful illustrations show beautiful seaside pictures that will be especially engaging to younger readers.
Fleshed out nicely with scenic details, the descriptions of the location and vividness of the characters (even fictional ones like his grandmother) make for a memorable story. I would have liked it if the author had created a name for our unexpected hero rather than referring to him as ‘the boy with the five loaves and two fish’ throughout. This however will not detract from the readers’ overall enjoyment.
The young boy is a very relatable character whose generosity produces unexpected results from which children can learn biblical principles of caring and sharing, and the rewards of obedience. It is heart-warming to see that the boy gave up his lunch without any expectations just because he was drawn to Jesus’s kind eyes and smile.
Here are some sample questions in English, French and Spanish!What is the name of the town where the grandmother of the boy with the five loaves and two fish lived?
- Blue Water Town
- Green Water Town
- Galilee
- Red Water Town